DNAP 765 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia II

This course is the second of a four-part sequence that begins with the basics of review as to what constitutes evidence-based practice and the components for the translation of scholarly information into practice.  At the culmination of these four courses each student will have completed a doctoral scholarly project and created an ePortfolio for their work throughout the program.

 In this second course, the students will review and explore the foundational concepts necessary for critically evaluating and synthesizing theoretical and empirical knowledge. The learner will be re-introduced to PICOT statements and how the question of inquiry guides the research.

Students will select, analyze, and synthesize related theoretical and research literature. This course provides the foundational knowledge and skills to complete a literature review and synthesis for the scholarly project. Students will review the synthesized evidence and create a proposal for their scholarly project. Each student will take on a leadership role in the process. The proposal will include a plan for implementation, plan for evaluation and plan for dissemination of the project. Students will complete the Ethical Committee Review Committee forms.


Credit Hours



Hallie Evans, DNP, CRNA, APRN

Jordan Billings, DNAP, CRNA, APRN

Learning Objectives