School Life & Wellness Committee

The goal of the School Life and Wellness Committee is to support the MTSA Vision and Core Values, which include a wholistic approach to education, healthcare and a balanced lifestyle, along with the development of a life of service.

The School Life and Wellness Committee disseminates information and resources related to the interrelated dimensions of wellness, including but not limited to the following:

  • Physical Wellness 
  • Mental Wellness  
  • Spiritual Wellness  
  • Academic/Occupational Wellness 
  • Safety  
  • Community 

The committee includes student representatives from each Practice Doctorate cohort, student representatives from the online programs, and MTSA staff and faculty.

The committee meets once a semester to discuss improvements to campus spaces, topics that arise in day-to-day life at MTSA, and opportunities that would benefit and enhance the overall well-being of each student.