Although this is not an all-inclusive list, MTSA believes the following qualifications represent some of the reasonable physical and intellectual requirements necessary to perform safely in both the educational program and profession of nurse anesthesia:
Observation and Communication
- Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with colleagues, patients of all ages, family members, and other members on the health care team in written and spoken English.
- Ability to process large amounts of information and activity in the operating room using visual, auditory, tactile, and other sensory cues to monitor and plan patient care.
- Ability to audibly distinguish the changes of pitch and tone of patient monitor devices and alarms.
Possess foundational knowledge and ability to complete complex mathematical calculations without the use of electronic assistance.
Skill to read and retain large amounts of information and draw from this information to critically analyze and problem solve.
Ability to distinguish standard patient responses from non-standard responses and plan interventions accordingly using critical thinking. Also possess judgment to know when to call for assistance from other members of healthcare team.
Maintain sustained focus and vigilance and respond to multisensory stimulation within a busy operating room environment for extended periods of time to protect patient safety.
Post-graduate Students: Possess foundational Nurse Anesthesia knowledge and apply new concepts, theories, and evidence-based practice guidelines to explore alternative methods to provide patient care.
- Exhibit professional and appropriate behavior when interacting with patients, all members of the healthcare team, and the general public.
- Maintain professionalism and confidentiality when dealing with patient issues, adhering to HIPAA guidelines.
- Demonstrate flexibility and efficiency while working in a rapidly changing environment. Gracefully accept changes in assignments and scheduling.
- Display good judgment and ethical behavior that is in coordination with common Christian standards including honesty, integrity, sensitivity to culture and the person, and adherence to the professional nursing code of ethics.
- Display fine motor skills, coordinating touch and vision, necessary to complete complex tasks such as cannulation of veins and arteries, performance of regional anesthesia and direct laryngoscopy etc.
- Demonstrate strength and ability to assist safe transfer of the patient.
- Stamina to stand or sit for extended periods of times.
- Respond quickly to changes in patient condition and participate in intervention, including but not limited to cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and emergency transportation.