Grading Policy (Post-Graduate)

Policy Number: 
2/2021, 9/2022, 7/25/2023, 11/16/2023, 12/13/2023, 7/2024
2/2021, 9/20/2022 ,11/2022, 7/25/2023, 11/16/2023, 12/13/2023, 2/12/2024, 7/25/2024 BOT approved 8/2024

Advancement of each student to the next semester is made by the Progressions Committee, with faculty recommendation, at the end of each semester.

Each advancing student will receive a transcript reflecting academic progress, with current and cumulative GPAs, within one week of the course ending.

The MTSA Grading Scale is based on the following 4.0 grading system:

A =


(4.0 Quality Points)

B =


(3.0 Quality Points)

F =

Below 80%

(0.0 – Failing)



See Grade of Incomplete below



See Grade of Withdrew below


Withdrew Failing

See Grade of Withdrew Failing below



See Terminated below

No grades, including final course grades, will be rounded up. 

MTSA expects all graduate-level coursework result in a minimum earned grade of “B”. A Final grade of less than 80% in any post-graduate course results in dismissal from the program and a referral made to the MTSA Progression Committee by the Program Director for a full review and decision.

Students have the right to appeal decisions of the Progressions Committee by filing an appeal with the Appeals Committee.

Grade of Incomplete (I)

If a student is unable to meet the requirements of a course by the end of the semester, the temporary grade of Incomplete (I) may be awarded by an instructor at the instructor’s discretion. An incomplete grade requires written understanding between the instructor and student acknowledging when the course will be completed, in the form of an Incomplete Contract. To be awarded an Incomplete grade, the Incomplete Contract must be signed by the student, instructor, and Program Director and submitted to the Registrar’s office by the last day of the semester.

The maximum time limit for submission of all course work necessary for removal of an incomplete is the end of the last day of classes of the following semester in which the incomplete was incurred (i.e. an incomplete awarded in the 2nd semester must be converted by the last day of classes in the 3rd semester). If the time limit passes and the course is not completed, the grade of incomplete is changed automatically to a failing grade. Any failing grade will result in termination from the program. A grade of incomplete is not calculated in the grade point average. No student may graduate with an Incomplete on their transcript.

Extension of Incomplete Grade

For justifiable reasons, students may petition to extend the 'I' grade past the end of the deadline listed on the contract. Extensions require a new Incomplete Contract. Requests for extensions must be approved prior to the deadline, and the extension cannot be made retroactively.

Withdrawing from a Course

Students may drop a course within the first 5 MTSA business days of the semester with no grade.

Grade of Withdrew (W)

Students wishing to withdraw from a course after the 5 MTSA business days will either receive a grade of “W” or “WF.” To receive a W grade, a student must drop the course within the first 60% of the semester. A “W” grade does not impact a student’s GPA.

Grade of Withdrew Failing (WF)

Students wishing to withdraw from a course after the deadline to withdraw with a “W” grade will receive a grade of “WF.” A WF grade is calculated into a student’s GPA as a failing grade (F).

Terminated (T)

An administratively terminated student is issued a final grade of "T" for all courses in which he/she is currently enrolled, and the termination is noted on the student's transcript.