
Evaluation of Fellow Coursework

Didactic Coursework

At the completion of each module, the Fellow will complete a module quiz and case study. Fellows will complete a summative evaluation at the end of each didactic course.

Clinical Coursework

Prior to attending clinical rotations, Fellows must pass a competency-based evaluation, which is administered during the first on-campus intensive. 

Clinical preceptors evaluate the Fellow's performance using a competency-based evaluation (CBE) available in Typhon. A separate CBE must be completed for each day the Fellow spends at a clinical site.

At the conclusion of each clinical week, the clinical mentor conducts an end-of-clinical (EOC) evaluation to evaluate the Fellow's professional conduct. An EOC evaluation must be completed for each week the Fellow is present at a clinical site.

Fellows are responsible for initiating evaluation requests in Typhon and ensuring that they receive 100% of the required evaluations.

In the event that a Fellow receives a score of "Poor," they must notify both the Director and Assistant Director within 24 hours, as well as include a corresponding comment in Typhon.


Fellow Evaluation of the Program

Course Evaluations

Fellows are encouraged to complete both mid-semester and end-of-course evaluations for each course. Valuable insights gathered from these evaluations are used to improve the fellowship.

Evaluation Data for Fellowship Improvement

At the completion of the Fellowship, Fellows are encouraged to complete a comprehensive evaluation of the program. This evaluation will serve as a summative assessment of the entire Fellowship experience.

Fellows will receive a follow-up communication one year after completion of the fellowship to evaluate the program's impact on their professional practice or affiliated facilities. Tailored questions aligned with the Fellow's individual goals, as identified during the admission process, will be posed to gather valuable insights and feedback.