DNAP 775 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia III

This course is the third of a four-part sequence that began with a review of the components for the translation of scholarly information into practice. This course provides the student with mentored opportunities to develop and implement the scholarly project. At the culmination of these four courses each student will have completed a doctoral scholarly project and created an ePortfolio for their work throughout the program.

In this third course, the students will participate in analyzing and critiquing clinical practice guidelines, and continue to review, analyze, and synthesize the literature to create recommendations for practice based on the evidence. The students will create a work plan and implement their projects based on ECRC approval as well as evaluate the project during this semester. Each student will take a leadership role in the process. The culmination of this course will result in the group creating a poster of their findings and recommendations to present at a professional conference.


Credit Hours



Hallie Evans, DNP, CRNA, ARNP

Jordan Billings, DNAP, CRNA, APRN

Learning Objectives