DNAP 725 : Healthcare Policy, Business & Legal Issues

This course is an exploration of policy, advocacy, and business principles relevant to the nurse anesthesia practice and profession. The course is designed to allow students to engage in an in-depth study of how they can further develop as professional leaders in nurse anesthesia practice. Course topics include public policy, economic and financial dimensions of leadership, regulation of practice, and legal aspects. Students will obtain hands-on nurse anesthesia business experience during the course by completion of a competitive request for proposal (RFP) response. The student will critically analyze a policy issue relating to their Capstone Phenomenon of Interest (if appropriate) using the policy review model of Equity, Efficiency, and Effectiveness (3 E's). Students will also be prepared to assume leadership roles within various care settings by the completion of personal leadership surveys and reflective discussions.  This course uses an online delivery system containing on-line lectures, coursework, and projects using a web-based learning management system - Brightspace.


Credit Hours



Chris Hulin, DNP, CRNA, APN

Learning Objectives