DNAP 600 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia I

This course is the first of a four-part sequence that begins with the basics of review as to what constitutes evidence-based practice and the components for the translation of scholarly information into practice.  At the culmination of these four courses each student will have completed a doctoral scholarly project and created an ePortfolio for their work throughout the program.

In this beginning course, the DNAP Completion Students will encounter opportunities to explore the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical foundations of nursing knowledge. Specific emphasis is placed on the research process and methods of identifying, conceptualizing, designing, implementing, evaluating, and translating evidenced-based research into practice. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are explored and analyzed. The learner will be introduced to PICOT statements and how the question of inquiry guides the research.

This course also provides an overview of statistical analysis methods most often reported in healthcare research literature. Topics include descriptive and inferential univariate and multivariate parametric and nonparametric data analyses. Emphasis is placed on: 1) integrating all aspects of the research process to enhance rigor and the quality of evidence; 2) the appropriate use and critical assumptions of statistical analysis methods, 3) reasoned interpretation of research results, and 4) the systematic critical analysis and evaluation of published research studies.


Credit Hours



Hallie Evans, DNP, CRNA, APRN

Jordan Billings, DNAP, CRNA, APRN

Learning Objectives