Disciplinary Actions

Administrative Responsibility to Disciplinary Actions

In accordance with School policy, By-Laws, and Board of Trustees actions, the Program Administrator, who is the chief disciplinary officer, delegates the supervision of student disciplinary actions to the Progressions Committee, the NAP Council, and the President’s Council. Actions that may be taken by the Program Administrator prior to presentation to the Progressions Committee include verbal counseling, disciplinary warning, remediation, probation, suspension, and loss of privilege. Recommendations and actions taken by the Progressions Committee may be subject to review by the NAP Council and/or the President’s Council, prior to going to the Appeals Committee.

The Program Administrator, administrative officers, faculty, and staff are responsible for working with students to encourage compliance with all School policies and the Standards of Conduct.

Progressions Committee

The MTSA Progressions Committee is an ongoing committee which meets regularly to determine students’ progress within the program. When the Progressions Committee meets to discuss specific issues that involve individual student(s), the individual student(s) will be invited to speak to the Progressions Committee regarding the issue before a decision is rendered. The individual student(s) are invited to speak to the Progressions Committee, but the student(s) are not permitted to invite others to attend. The NAP Council is responsible for implementation and monitoring of any remedial and/or punitive actions. If the student(s) is (are) not satisfied with the decision of the Progressions Committee and/or the NAP Council or President’s Council, the student(s) may request a formal hearing by the MTSA Appeals Committee.

There may be times the Progressions Committee, in its discussion of students’ performance in general, determines that an action should be taken related to individual students. Upon notification of the decision, any students who feel extenuating circumstances existed which may have impacted on any decision of the Progressions Committee, and were unable to speak on their own behalf before the original decision was rendered, may give a written request to the Progressions Committee to speak on their own behalf to appeal the decision. The Progressions Committee will meet to allow a student to speak to the issue. The Progressions Committee may decide to alter its original decision or to stand by it.  Should a student still not be in agreement with the final decision, the student may address the issue to the Appeals Committee.

Actions Which May Be Recommended by Progressions Committee

The following actions may be recommended by this committee and may not apply to all programs.

Loss of Privilege

These penalties are intended to serve as reminders of operating regulations and are for specific periods of time. Such penalties may include loss of scholarship, loss of right to participate in certain School activities, loss of privilege of use of facilities, etc.

Disciplinary Warning

Disciplinary warnings are used for minor infractions. A warning indicates that further violations will result in more severe disciplinary actions. Warnings will be issued to a student in written form. A written warning, once issued, will be placed on the permanent file of the student. A student may petition the Warning to the NAP Council for documented situations, such as sickness or family issues.


Probation means that a student is permitted to remain at the School or clinical affiliate on a probationary status. If a student is found responsible for a similar violation during probation, the student may be suspended or dismissed. Other conditions of probation are specific to the individual case and may include loss of eligibility to serve on School committees or participate in specified School activities. Any probation for any cause will be reflected on the permanent transcript. An active vote to carry probation over to another term will count as an additional probation. Students’ clinical probationary status will be made known to the affiliates’ clinical coordinators where the student is scheduled to affiliate.

ANY probationary period, regardless of the type of or reason for the probation, may negatively affect a student’s eligibility to receive federal financial assistance.

Indefinite Suspension

Indefinite suspension means that no specific date has been recommended for readmission of the suspended student. This penalty is used when the prognosis of rehabilitation is uncertain, and the Progressions Committee and/or the NAP or President’s Council desires that some additional evidence of rehabilitation be presented by the student prior to readmission to the School. Applications for readmission shall be considered by the Admissions Committee, with consultation from the Progressions Committee and the NAP and/or President’s Council.

Permanent Dismissal/Termination

Permanent dismissal means that a student in permanently barred from readmission to the School. This penalty is used when the violation of one or more of the Standards of Conduct is deemed so serious as to warrant a total and permanent disassociation from the School community.