Clinical Case Logs

The Typhon Nurse Anesthesia Student Tracking System will be used to maintain information about each clinical case, block administered, and/or live-model scan completed while in the fellowship. Fellows are responsible for the accurate and timely completion of the clinical case records. Case logs should be updated daily.

Ultrasound images are required for each block or live-model scan in order to receive credit. All patient-identifying information shall be removed before submitting ultrasound images to Typhon. These records are the fellow’s official record of blocks administered and live-model scanning completed during the fellowship and will be submitted as evidence of program completion.

During each Clinical Practicum Course within the fellowship, the Fellow must administer or complete a combination of 20 regional blocks or live-model scans. To fulfill the requirements established by the ASPMF and approved by the Council on Accreditation, fellows are required to document the minimum number of regional blocks stated below while in the fellowship:

  • Upper extremity: 20 cases
  • Lower extremity: 20 cases
  • Truncal: 20 cases